Firenze · 15 / 16 July 2022

II Zygoma Day 2022

The congress par excellence dedicated to Zygomatic Implantology

  • Dr. Andrea Tedesco

It is with great satisfaction that Andrea Tedesco as President of the Zygomatic Implants Education Academy announces the II ZYGOMA DAY, which will be held on July 15-16th in the amazing setting of the Grand Hotel Baglioni in the heart of Florence.

After the success of last year, Zygomatic Implant Education re-proposes an event that saw as main speakers the protagonists of the first II level International Master in Zygomatic Implantology. The approach with zygomatic implants is always a very delicate issue, but the group created around this Master has now demonstrated great skills in the management of severe maxillary atrophies respecting the right clinical indications, thus becoming of the highest level.

Quota di partecipazione
€ 200,00 iva excluded

The secretariat reserves the right, due to force majeure, to postpone or cancel the event; any changes will be promptly reported to members and in case of cancellation the registration fee will be fully refunded.


  • 15 July 2022

  • 09:00
    Congress Open - Dr. Andrea Tedesco
  • 09:30
    Impianti zigomatici: considerazioni cliniche su 50 pazienti trattati - Dr. Gian Nicola Boero
  • 10:00
    Biomeccanica degli impianti inclinati - Dr. Marco Bevilacqua
  • 10:30
    Coffee break
  • 11:30
    Impianto tubero-pterigoidei in chirurgia computer assistita - Dr. Giovanni Menchini Fabris
  • 12:00
    Amplificazione dei tessuti molli in chirurgia implanto-protesica - Dr. Oscar Malaguti
  • 12:30
    Impianti pterigoidei: qual è il limite? - Dr. Alberto Prati
  • 13:00
  • 14:30
    Impianti zigomatici: dalla chirurgia anatomicamente guidata alla chirurgia protesicamente guidata. 9 anni di esperienza clinica - Dr. Cesare Paoleschi
  • 15:00
    Analisi retrospettiva a 12 mesi dall’utilizzo della sistematica impiantare pterigoidea e zigomatica REVCON - Dr. Tiziano Tealdo
  • 15:30
    Coffee break
  • 16:30
    Nuovo approccio diagnostico e terapeutico con l’utilizzo di impianti nasali, Pterigoidei e zigomatici - Giuseppe Piemontese, Roberto Provasoli, Gregorio Redaelli
  • 17:00
    Valutazione medico legale delle lesioni e delle complicanze in implantologia zigomatica - Dr. Alberto Giordano
  • 17:30
    La magneto dinamica: una nuova alternativa alle ultime frontiere della chirurgia ossea - Dr. Davide Cassioli
  • 16 July 2022

  • 09:30
    Zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap for the management of low level maxillary malignancy - Dr. Chris Butterworth
  • 10:30
    Coffee break
  • 11:30
    Zygomatic implant for the restoration of unilateral edentulous maxillary: an alternative to sinus lift - Dr. Jean Baptiste Verdino
  • 12:30
    Dr. Guy McLellan


Dr. Andrea Tedesco

Dr. Andrea Tedesco

Graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Florence, he obtained a specialization in Odontostomatological Surgery at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the same University. Enrolled in the GDC in London, UK, he mainly practices there for surgery with zygomatic implants. Research Fellow on "Implant-prosthetic treatment of severe atrophy of the jaws with the use of zygomatic implants" at the U.O. of Oral Surgery of the S. Chiara Hospital, University of Pisa. Owner of a private dental practice in Florence.