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Comparative evaluation of the pushout bond strength of two root-end materials: An in vitro study
- Nidhi Hegde
- Mithra Nidarsh Hegde
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Delayed expansion of the atrophic mandible by ultrasonic surgery: a clinical and histologic case series
- Antonio Scarano
- Adriano Piattelli
- Giovanna Murmura
- Giovanna Iezzi
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Osteotomy in direct sinus lift. A comparative study of the rotary technique and ultrasound
- María Peñarrocha-Diago
- Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago
- Cristina Sanchez-Recio
- David Peñarrocha-Oltra
- Javier Romero-Millán
BioMed Research International Volume 2019, Article ID 8483658, 6 pages
Observational Study on the Preparation of the implant site with Piezosurgery vs. Drill: Comparison between the Two Methods in terms of Postoperative Pain, Surgical Times, and Operational Advantages
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Conservative treatment with plasma rich in growth factors-Endoret for osteoradionecrosis
- Giorgia Gallesio
- Massimo Del Fabbro
- Renato Pol
- Carmen Mortellaro
- Marco Mozzati
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Rehabilitation with 4 zygomatic implants with a new surgical protocol using ultrasonic technique
- Marco Mozzati
- Carmen Mortellaro
- Valentina Arata
- Giorgia Gallesio
- Valter Previgliano